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To fetch data inside a react component, we primarily need 2 things: Source Consumer The source can be a REST or GraphQL endpoint.Consumer in our...
How to setup a React app configured with vite to consume data from a GraphQL backend locally and in production. · Now here we are in the final leg of our...
How to setup an Apollo GraphQL server with a basic schema and consume the same in a React app with vite · I think of GraphQL as a way to facilitate a...
How to create a simple data fetching hook in React with typescript · There was an ask at one point to come up with a generic data fetching hook. The idea...
How to use React.memo without killing developer experience · PureComponent is a decent approach for performance optimisation as long as it is not...
Navigating the quirks of React's state and component model to build a countdown timer you can start, pause, resume, stop and reset. Idea is to start...